On September 24 Works-in-Progress will be collaborating with Building Roots to turn Moss Park Market into a back-to-school kids' clothing swap "store".
Spread out amongst the trees beside the market, each table will have one size to make it easy to find what is available in your size, and donate the (clean, gently loved) clothing your children have outgrown. The park will be decorated with beautiful signs, festive bunting and children's clothing. Volunteer coordination will be done by Building Roots: Contact BR Community Outreach Coordinator Mac [email protected] with further questions. Donations can be dropped off at the market on the day of the swap, during market hours 11-3pm. All donation must be in clean, in good shape + in bags labelled by size to help our volunteers.
Works-in-Progress will provide our famous up-cycled t-shirt bags for people to bring home their spoils. (You can also bring your own bags, of course!) If you want to support costs and get a t-shirt bag, it is $5 to fill a bag (or pay-what-you-can best offer, including FREE) and the money goes to cover material costs and artists' work (graphic design, etc) for the swap. Swap posters are available (created by local artist Lara Boadway. We encourage shoppers and hosts to maintain 6ft distance, wear masks, use hand sanitizer before and after shopping and fill a bag with some new to you clothes.
As you can see from the photos above, we have organized a number of swaps in Toronto but kids grow fast over the summer in neighbourhoods all over, so we have teamed up with Building Roots to run our 2022 back-to-school swaps. This swap will be part of 2 swaps in partnership with two neighbourhoods (davisville in midtoen Toronto, and Moss Park in downtown Toronto)- leftover clothes from one swap will move to the next.
If you live in the Moss Park area and/or are interested in hosting, volunteering or donating gently used (and clean!) children's clothing, please reach out to us at [email protected]mWe can also help you run your own swap in your neighbourhood.
Please come out on Saturday September 24! The swaps hours are 12am-3pm (during the weekly Farmer's market).
We have added a list of FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) below. The first question is a basic one:
Q. HOW DOES A SWAP WORK? The goals of a children's clothing swap are to reduce textile waste -- save money -- and do something useful in the neighbourhood. Here's how it works: If you want to volunteer to help run the swap-- Contact Mac at Building Roots: [email protected] The tables will be run by Building Roots volunteers, but community members are welcome to volunteer as well. Sorting/running a table offers a chance to shop the swap in advance! To donate : -- Bring outgrown/surplus clothes to Moss Park Market between 11-3 on the day of the swap -- clean clothes, sorted by size, in good shape, from infant to adult, all sizes On swap day -- Tour the swap sites -- pick up clothes that are new-to-you -- chat with neighbours on a nice fall day We ask everyone wear masks while shopping. Bags and clothes will be laid out and there is no need to be close. Use hand sanitizer before and after handling clothes and wash everything you bring home. After the swap -- If you are a host, collect any remaining clothes into a box or bag labelled by size-- BR will store and WIP will take them away for you.
Frequently asked Questions (FAQ)
Q. Does it cost money? It is free to shop the swap. You can bring your own bags and fill them for free, and we are selling upcycled T-shirt bags to support the cost of the swap (paying artists for graphic design, printing signs, etc) for $5 or pay-what-you-can (including FREE). You then fill up the bag with clothes wherever you shop. No individual prices! The object is to find new homes for ALL the clothes, so don't be shy.
Q. Why a swap? Save money and save the Earth. With a little bit of work we can all benefit greatly from both finding a new home for our old items and by giving old items a new home. We avoid waste and enrich ourselves, and it costs some time and effort instead of money.
Q. What are benefits/responsibilities of hosts/volunteers? Benefits: People bring you donations of clothes in your child's size and you have first dibs on choosing what you want. Fun to see people and good karma. Responsibilities: Need to set up and maintain site from 10am-3pm on swap day. Works-in-Progress and Building Roots will bring signs, bags, maps and support if you need a break.
Q. Can we donate adult clothes? Yes, new this Fall, we will have adult clothes.
Q. Can we donate games/books/household items No, thank you.
Q. Can we donate other textiles like household items such as sheets? No, thank you. This is a swap for neighbours to exchange clothing - so wearable clothes in good condition only. Participants are asked to not donate clothing that needs repair.
Q. I live in an apartment- can I still host? Yes. You can sign up as a volunteer with Building Roots
Q. I live outside the neighbourhood- can I still volunteer? Yes. You can sign up as a volunteer with Building Roots. Or you can help pick up bagged extra items after the swap, contact us [email protected]
Q. What are the safety protocols? We ask everyone to wear masks while shopping. Bags and clothes will be laid out, so there is no need to be close. Use hand sanitizer before and after handling clothes.
Q. What are benefits /responsibilities of volunteering/donating? Benefits: Mostly good karma, helping the earth, that sort of thing. Raising the neighbourhood up. Responsibilities: Help sort/set up/maintain your table.
Q: Why are Works-in-Progress and Building Roots organizing this swap? Works-in-Progress is an eco-art collective, which means some members are inspired to make things from waste (up-cycle) and all of us want to reduce waste and save money by sharing rather than throwing these clothes out and buying new ones. Building Roots wants to raise up community and host an awesome event with their Moss Park neighbours!
Q: How do I donate? Drop off clothes (clean, sorted by size, and in labelled bags) at Moss Park Market 260 Queen St E (near Sherbourne and Queen) during market hours (Saturday, Sept 24, 11-3) while volunteers are on site If you cannot drop donations off on the day and must do so earlier in the week, please contact [email protected]
Q: Can I donate clothes the day of the swap? Yes! You can donate clean clothes that you no longer need (please label the bag) to the appropriate table, then continue your day finding clothes that your household needs! Q: Is there a rain date? Yes, Oct 1. But we hope for sun on the 24th.
Q. What do you do with anything leftover? Works-in-Progress volunteers will collect leftovers after the swap or the next day. We will either use donations for art projects, donate them to local thrift stores or keep for future swap events. Nothing will be thrown away.
ANY MORE QUESTIONS? please contact us: [email protected] and we will get back to you within the day.