During the pandemic, we were not able to do in person workshops, so material we had collected stayed in basements and sheds. We do keep a little for makers projects and swap starters but really, the best place for textiles in in use, on backs or beds or making new things for ourselves or friends. We are committed to NOT throwing anything out so small scraps we use for stuffing art-making etc. but we are activly looking for opportunities to reduce our stash of textiles. Textile waste can easily become overwhelming so we always make sure it is going where it wanted/need/will be used ASAP. Here's a few places the swap remains went: - Double Take (gently used SEASONAL clothes PLUS material for their upcycling studio) -Material Return (they collected socks from individual donors to recycle on an industrial scale, during earth month, as part of the second Cut project) - costumes went to a local high school drama department -Jessie's place (runs programs for mothers and infants... takes donations by appointment only) -artists in the collective to make crafts, cloths and use in workshops -teachers for use in sewing/fashion after school clubs - yarn and tools to redistribute through Marnie's little free art library |
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art experiments turning waste into beauty Archives
November 2024