egg hunt 2019 from tmurdoch on Vimeo.
Every year for the past year Appletree Market has hasted a free community egg hunt in June Rowlands park on the Easter long weekend, and it has grown more and more popular. (here's my video from the 2017 egg hunt and the first one in 2016 ) This year they had 3000 chocolate eggs donated and volunteers filled and 1500 eggs in the park, The problem is that many eggs go home and get thrown away, so in effort to art up a solution, Works-in-Progress artists created large nests from roadside yard waste and fabric scraps to collect the eggs and SUCCESS! Almost all the eggs came back and a new tradition was added to the event.
What a great event! Hosted in the gym at Bowmore PS, a mix of pro camp providers, parents with skillz, engineers and artists, up-cycling products, high tech VR to low tech draw-bots, a $5 lunch kitchen and us! We had a great show of works-in-progress members and friends... Marnie and Safiya and Ines and her neighbour Victoria and son Quinn, Otis and Ursa, Leah, Leona, Tanya and Amanda and Sam. The organizer Andrew connected us with a designer who gathers fabric samples to redistribute (@evelikesgreen) and while digging through the fabric samples at the end of the event we met two women from Common Threads (@commonthreadsto) who run camps in the east focussing on basic life skills. We made inspiration notebooks (from upcycled paper- wallpaper samples, magazine pages, GOOS paper + upcycled fabric samples and yarn and buttons) and made a communal art piece from fabric sraps... mini sampler was a sunflower with blue tulle, and today's was an image of hanami (cherry blossons) to celebrate the gorgeous Spring weather!
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November 2024