We are - all of us, everywhere - having to connect at a distance these days, and much of that connection has moved online- with various success. Whatever version you use, the online meet up experience can be dreadful if you are using it for business meetings all day, However, it is a medium that can be used many different ways and we at Works-in-Progress have been experimenting with this medium and participating in the experiments of others to find ways to build community and create together online. Here is a roundup:
Life drawing classes! Thanks WIP artist Ines Scepanovic for turning us onto this group, organized out of Scotland with models around the world, participation by donation. I used up all my drawing paper 8-11 Sunday morning. The model is pinned to centre screen, better hooked up to your TV or larger screen, only recording on paper. Warn your fellow home dwellers about the naked folks on tv. Live theatre reading: WIP artist Leah Sanchez and I have children at the same school, in drama, and her son organized a reading of The Princes Bride- some great quotes about masks by Wesley as the dread pirate Roberts. This was hilarious, whoever was reading (or laughing) showed up on screen, but you could see the other actors sword fighting in their little boxes. Very entertaining for participants and audience alike, with the structure dictating order. Interactive workshop hosted by museum with volunteers: We have done two of these with the Textile Museum of Canada, both times with a curated group of makers, so everyone had opinions and brought show and tell and curiosity, it made for a lively workshop... two workshop leaders and an active host so there was a lot of back and forth, felt very warm. Another one coming up soon about repair, will share once they do. Birthday party: only two computers with a family and cake at both ends. good for game playing too... too many people in a party, no matter how well meaning, hard to take turns and I think people feel disconnected and drift away. Do it Together skill sharing: a curated themed gathering of people sharing skills and passions, coordinated by two ever curious hosts. At the last meeting on Sunday May 24th, the theme was working with nature, and included tree walk, poetry, puppetmaking, interview with a propmaster, a meditation on trees and WIP artist Leah Sanchez doing an artist talk about her passion project of 10 years, Resurrection Furniture and Found Art Gallery. Appletree Markets TV Community activators, denied a venue for their seasonal urban farmer's markets, are taking their community show online, with weekly webcasts on youtube, featuring interviews and profiles of community members and vendors from their markets. This week their show included our video promoting OUR next online adventure, featuring socks (see below) Works-in-Progress Drop in upcycling workshops and discussion: These will be bi-monthy free workshops, come and go as you please for WIP members and friends and community members, with simple ideas for up-cyling and a featured project every week to make with materials on hand. We start this Thursday, May 28th! EMAIL US TO REGISTER FOR THE ZOOM INVITE [email protected] Drawing on Air: this last one is happening Friday May 29th and seems pretty cool: a directed communal drawing event guided by audio rather than visuals. Hosted by a gallery and radio station in Halifax, drawing then shared after on social media to see and compare. Works-in-Progress socks promo from tmurdoch on Vimeo. Comments are closed.
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art experiments turning waste into beauty Archives
February 2024