Cold Hands, Warm Heart, our second workshop in the Do-it-Together series we are doing with Building Roots at their Moss Park Market location. This time the series developer Kate Hamilton joined us as a participant, along with a couple of returnees and a few new people. The participants said they wanted to meet people, to return to sewing after failing out in grade 7 Home ec, to keep a friend company... it was a really good workshop.
We got people sewing fairly quickly after a quick introduction to the artists, to Works-in-Progress and then to some basic fabric types... after sewing and filling the hand-warmers, building Roots volunteer Leona brought our finished hand-warmers upstairs to heat up in the microwave while we enjoyed some blueberry muffins and burned stuff (for a burn test) to identify fabrics. Comments are closed.
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art experiments turning waste into beauty Archives
November 2024