Take my free clothes- please!
After the swap, our intention was to have some material for Works-in-Progress projects (hoops, frames, yarn, t-shirts, sheets, colourful prints) but the bulk of the remaining donations had to find a home (our storage right now is one small, overfull basement) It is hard to get people to take free things! As one of the sorters, I understand from the other side about how much work it can be to deal with the generousity of others- this is why we encourage people to come out and shop at the swap! We have also been lucky, where the donors to the swap really do donate very nice, clean, desirable clothes. In the end, we did find a home for all of of these great donations- special thanks to Bag2School for making a pick up on a Saturday for about 12 bags, smaller than the ton+ these swaps have produced in the past. This past week, before the pick up, we reached out to and donated about 6 big bags of women's clothes to Sistering- NO children clothes right now, but YES to diapers and toiletries (tampons, shampoo, toothbrushes, not razors) and they were so busy in their small entrance, an there were already clothes in piles in the waiting room. They gave us the name of two more shelters for women and children but neither wanted donations right now. Fred Victor took a large bag of men's clothes. Two of our members have connections with refugee housing, and one would accept 3-4 bags of children's clothes if they were really in good shape. We also put aside a bag for iSpy, a for profit children's clothing resale store in Toronto, and put aside some clothes for a few other families that we know, including a family that just lost everything in a fire. Thanks to all the donors, we honor your contributions. -Tanya
Cate Cole
4/19/2022 01:21:00 pm
I just came across your site and was so enthusiastic. Too bad I missed your April 2022 clothing swap event in my Davisville neighbourhood. I would be really interested if you have any similar events going on in the future. Thanks. Comments are closed.
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art experiments turning waste into beauty Archives
February 2024